Deliberate Cold Water Immersion - Our Favourite Resources

Deliberate Cold Water Immersion - Our Favourite Resources

If you’re reading this, it’s great that you’re interested in cold water immersion and its benefits. Social media is full of snippets talking about the benefits of ice baths, so we have posted this to provide you with our favourite accessible resources if you want to deepen your understanding of what happens to the body during deliberate cold water immersion.

1. Winter Swimming by Dr Susanna Soeberg
Dr Susanna Soeberg is a scientist in metabolism and stress. She obtained her PhD in metabolism at the University of Copenhagen and has contributed to a deeper understanding of human metabolism and the role of brown fat. Since 2016 she has been dedicated to research into the effect of cold and heat exposure on human health.
Dr Soeberg’s book, “Winter Swimming” offers practical guidance, scientific studies and explores the ancient practice of winter swimming from around the world. It provides a foundational understanding of the research as well as the findings of her own PhD. Providing an overview of the benefits that deliberate cold water immersion has for our metabolism.

Available at most online bookstores.


2. Podcasts featuring Dr Susanna Soeberg

“The Proof” with Simon Hill

Simon Hill is a physiotherapist, nutritionist and author on a mission to help people make informed lifestyle choices. With a love for science and the qualifications to translate it properly, he makes health and nutritional information simple and accessible.

In his podcast, Simon interviews leading researchers and scientists to explore their findings and help people apply those findings to their everyday lives.

Episode 250 features a discussion with Dr Susanna Soeberg on the science of ice baths, brown fat and metabolism. This podcast is a great way to delve deeper into the science behind your favourite benefits of cold water immersion.

Podcast available here:

“Huberman Lab” with Dr Andrew Huberman
The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Dr Andrew Huberman, PhD, a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviours, skills and cognitive functioning.

In this episode, Huberman interviews Susanna Soeberg on the topic ‘how to use cold and heat exposure to improve your health’. This interview covers similar topics to the above interview with Simon Hill but offers slightly different insights. You may choose one you prefer or listen to both as we did.

Podcast available here:


3. The Wim Hof Method
This list wouldn’t be complete without referencing the ice man himself, Wim Hof.

The Wim Hof Method is a well-known approach to cold water immersion and breathwork. Wim Hof has developed a system based on three pillars that encompass specific techniques and protocols for cold exposure, breathing exercises and mindset. His method is widely followed by individuals interested in harnessing the benefits of cold water immersion for physical and mental well-being.

The Wim Hof Method is available here:

No doubt you can go deeper into the research and read the studies themselves. The resources above should provide you with a solid foundation to explore deliberate cold water immersion and its various aspects, from scientific insights to practical techniques, tips and tricks.

If you have any questions or want to chat with us more, then drop us an email:

If you're sold and want to get in on the action, check out our portable ice bath.

Flow Recovery Portable Ice Bath

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